Current Projects

Look here to find information on current projects happening in our community to enhance your water service. 

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Lead & Copper Project (state required)

Notice:  All of our customers and valued members of Cataract Lake Water Corporation should have recently received a self addressed post card asking for information regarding the plumbing contents of their home.  This is a state required project issued by IDEM (Indiana Department of Environmental Management) that requires Cataract Lake Water Corporation and all other water companies within the state to send communication (CLWC sent in the form of a post card) to their customers and inquire whether they have any lead and or copper plumbing in their homes.  Please read, complete to the best of your knowledge and return the self-addressed post card to CLWC.  Thank you! 

Drive-Thru Project

Hello!  As you may have noticed, our facility is under construction!  We are adding a "Drive-Thru" feature option to allow our members/customers to pay their monthly water bill, as well as, handle water needs.  We hope you find this new addition a safer and easier way to conduct water business.  Please bear with us as we progress into the future!

Water Leaks

Your water company is always on alert for water leaks.  Please notify us @ (765) 795-3288 if you notice standing water along side our roadways, in your yard or on your property.  Water loss monitoring is important!  Water is a valuable resource that we want to protect.  Thank you for your assistance in this matter!